Sunday, December 5, 2010

The Power of LOVE!

This first section I wrote almost a year ago.  I was struggling and asking God to teach me about LOVE and in that time, I wrote a few questions hoping to discover some deep profound truth.  I ended up with more questions and I desperately needed some experiences that I could learn from.  So here is what I had to say a year ago.

LOVE…what is it really?

Is it a feeling? An action? Just something you say to those closest to you? Is there more to it than what we see on the surface?

I have never really fully grasped the concept of LOVE. We throw this four-lettered word around in every conversation and I guess I just don’t understand it. How do you know that someone LOVES you? Just because the words are said, it doesn’t make them true. So…what’s the trick? How do I crack the code?

When it comes to family, I am most confused. I LOVE my parents and my parents LOVE me…but what does that exactly mean? They provide for my needs and they raised me in a good home. They invested time in my life and sometimes bought me presents. They let me stick around for 18 years but now I’m out on my own. They still help me out when I need it and they give me words of wisdom when I desperately need them. But how do I know that it’s not all because they are fulfilling their parental duties? How do I know that it actually means something more to them?

What does LOVE feel like? Can I ever have this special feeling and just know that “I LOVE you?” Is LOVE a choice? Or can it just happen to you? Why does LOVING someone seem to be so painful? I feel like I will never understand…

But…God is LOVE…

I can’t even come close to understanding a simple term, LOVE…so how am I supposed to understand my God? How is He LOVE? How do I experience it? How do I feel it? I know it to be true but it is such a hard concept to grasp.

I am struggling with knowing the authenticity of the words we hear so often. We have become so desensitized to the depth of meaning behind four simple letters. We use those letters too much and the more we use them, the less they mean. Some use them to manipulate. Others use them to express themselves. There are so many levels to that one word. So the main question is…how do we distinguish between those levels? How do we know if that word is spoken with authentic motives?

So here I am in December 2010 still not knowing any answers, but also inspired by my past words.  Do you ever feel like your life has themes?  Well, I certainly do.  God teaches me lessons and typically puts a theme in my life for periods of time, some longer than others.  If I am wise enough to catch it right away, I'm lucky.  Sometimes I have to suffer and struggle before I recognize what God is up to and what He's trying to teach me.  Well, thankfully this time I was a little bit quicker to pick up on my life theme.  It's LOVE!  Unfortunately for me, this word carries a lot of weight and is way deeper than I will ever fully understand.  So in this themed time of my life, I'm just trying to figure out exactly what God wants me to learn about LOVE.

His LOVE, my LOVE, the outcome of LOVE...
The basis of our relationship with God is LOVE.  Yes our message is always about salvation and grace, but those wouldn't exist if it wasn't for LOVE.  It is because God LOVED that He gave us forgiveness and grace.  It is because we LOVE God, that we receive His grace and forgiveness as well as enter into a relationship with Him.  We serve Him for His LOVE.  He LOVES us regardless of what we do or don't do.  We LOVE Him because He created us and LOVED us first.  I could go on all day with this, but I think you might get the picture.  We are redeemed by LOVE and we can redeem through LOVE. 

It's not just about us!  Because we experience God's LOVE which saves us, He calls us to LOVE in order to save others.  There is no need for pushy debates about theology and Christianity.  All we are called to do is LOVE them.  LOVE brings about questions and LOVE draws people in.  If only we can learn how to LOVE, God will work the rest out.  LOVE changes your perspective and your heart.  LOVE focuses you on what is really a priority.  Change the world with LOVE!! True, pure, depths-of-your-heart LOVE!

I have always been pretty selfish about my time and my needs, but my focus is changing.  Suddenly, I have the urge to just LOVE on as many people as I can.  So many people need LOVED.  It's not about me anymore, it's about showing others that God LOVES them and be an example of that LOVE.  I want to LOVE like God LOVES...and that is so scary because I know that He LOVES a lot better than me!

 My drawing inspired by God and His LOVE

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Profound Thanksgiving Thoughts I may not have anything profound to share but a girl can dream, right? :) As the holidays approach like a charging bull, my plan is to dodge as much chaos as I can.  There's something about the holidays that irritates me and I just can't seem to put my finger on exactly what causes those feelings.  I don't particularly have many heart-warming memories of the holidays but I don't have any traumatic or terrible memories either.  Thanksgiving and Christmas...they are days in the year just like any other, except we've managed to turn them into consumer monsters.  I don't like how people go crazy and stress themselves out in order to impress others.  Or how it is "suddenly" the time to serve and share.  Why can't we think about others all the time?

Don't get me wrong...I like getting together with friends and family, eating a lot, and exchanging gifts but it's so easy to get caught up in the planning, cooking, and buying.  My hope is that this year the focus is not on doing and buying, but on living and loving...every single day! Thanksgiving plans have got me really excited! Since I live so far from family now, I get to travel a few hours to spend this holiday with my best friend and her husband in Dallas.  I have not seen her since this summer and we have a lot to catch up on.  In addition, she has informed me that I will be helping cook which means she will be teaching me how to cook.  That will be an interesting adventure!

In other news, I will be picking up a second job for the holidays at least to help me save and get one step closer to an apartment.  I'm going to transfer with Old Navy so I hope my brain remembers how to do that job. 

Finally, if you read my last post I shared the story of Shaniqua the chicken.  Well, the family just got a new all black chicken and named it Bon Qui Qui.  It's the sweetest chicken and has made friends quickly. 

That's my update with all the emotion and randomness of my life.  Take it or leave it. 

Happy Thanksgiving to all! :)

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Work, Dinner Dates, and Chickens

This week has been a blast so far.  I have been working out of my own teller drawer and so far haven't messed up too badly.  I've also had to be the only closing teller for the first time this week...quite frightening if something goes wrong! They seem to have more confidence in me than I do in myself.  I need to work myself into the comfort level that I need to perform my job quickly and confidently.  It's still very new and awkward at times. 

Last Saturday, the high school leaders got together for a meeting.  We got to hang out, eat some Mexican food, and watch a challenging video.  The video incorporated every possible teenage struggle and it broke my heart for teens all over again.  It reminded me why I want to love on as many teens as possible.  From suicide to divorce, pregnancy to church was all there.  I can't even imagine what each teen in our youth group is struggling with.  All I know is that I want to make a difference in their lives, whether it's now or affects them in the future. 

I have tried to squeeze hang out times into my schedule this week.  I got a chance to chill with another leader on Saturday and it was such a joy.  We had girl talk and dove deep into some difficult issues.  It was tough, but rewarding and heartwarming.  On Sunday evening, I got to eat dinner with the youth minister and his wife.  They are such wonderful people and I am so glad that God brought me here to serve along side of them.  I could not ask for a better/cuter couple to work with. 

Finally...the chickens part of the title! You're probably wondering what that has to do with my life here in Austin, but hold on.  The family I am living with has four chickens.  When they are not home, it is my responsibility to feed them.  I walked into the cage this morning to feed them and who would hold their ground but the black and white speckled chicken, Shaniqua.  I was a little nervous that she would attack, but thankfully she ate the food and allowed me to exit safely.  Chickens are so funny! :)

Not Shaniqua but looks like her! :)

Thursday, November 11, 2010

God's Plan and Timing...WOW!!

For the past couple of weeks, I have felt an urgency to leave the Williams' house and move out into the world.  There were several reasons that I felt this way, but the most pressing was the upcoming surgery on Alan's foot, scheduled for Monday the 7th.  I wanted to give the family the space and freedom to deal with the surgery 100% worry free (outside of the surgery itself, of course).  Unfortunately, I just don't have the income that I need to rent an apartment.  Regardless, Alan got me connected with a buddy that has a garage apartment that he would be willing to rent out to me for a discounted price and a flexible lease schedule.  Although it doesn't have a kitchen, it would work as a temporary home until I am able to rent a better, more permanent place.  I made plans to meet with this guy and talk about renting for Sunday afternoon.  This is where it gets really interesting.

Sunday morning, I woke up after a wonderful slumber party with some high school girls.  We all ended up going to the first service, which is usually not my preference.  I waltzed in not really knowing anyone in the service and I picked a seat.  Right before the service started a lady sat down and we began talking.

"Good morning! My name is Jill.  Its so good to see you here this morning.  Are you new here?"

"Hi! I'm Charissa.  Well I actually moved here about a month and a half ago from Indiana."

"So do you have any family here?"

"No, I'm here by myself."

"Well, I want to give you something."  She pulled out a business card and excitedly began sharing her information. "When my son went off to college, there was a lady that gave him her information and told him to call her anytime he needed anything and she meant it.  No matter the situation, she wanted to help him out and I was so encouraged that a stranger would do that.  It was very encouraging to know that my son would be taken care of by a 'second mom.'  So I want to do the same for you.  Since you are so far away from family, I want you to know that if you need anything at all; hair salon, doctors, a second job, whatever; just give me a call and I will help you out."

"Wow, I don't know what to say.  Thank you, I really appreciate that."

"So darlin...what do you need?" (Jill smiled boldly)

I'm absolutely crazy, because the only thing I could think to ask this generous and kind lady was a reference for a dermatologist in the area.  "I have been struggling the past year with some suspicious moles that I just really need to get taken care of.  With skin cancer in my family history, I shouldn't be taking a chance.  Is there a good dermatologist that you could recommend?"

Jill proceeded to go on and on about her wonderful dermatologist.  She gave me all the information I needed and then church began.  While I was sitting there with my notes during the sermon about "Don't Worry," I began to make a short list to hand Jill afterwards.  Things like a second job, an affordable apartment, and some time to just hang out and get to know her better.  She seemed really awesome and I didn't want to pass up a chance on friendship and wisdom.  At the end of church, I handed her the list and we began talking again.  At that point in time, I really can't remember how the conversation went to where it did, but what I do know is that God was in it. 

"Girl, you need to save your money.  Move in with me!"

"Are you serious?" (I just met this lady an hour ago and I'm seriously considering moving into her home...what is happening here?)

"Yes, very serious! So when are you moving in?  We'll be home today if you're not busy."

"Oh my goodness! This is crazy!" (by this time, I was crying.  I just couldn't believe that at the exact moment I needed a new place, that God would provide in such a crazy way!) 

Several hugs and tears later we were parting ways at the door of the church.  I went home and packed up half of my things and headed to my new home.  It took me two loads to get all of my stuff transported but it was a smooth transition.  I left the Williams family to their family who were arriving that evening.  The surgery went well on Monday, but things are still complicated and I can see how important my move was.  They no longer have to worry about feeding me and keeping up with me.  All they have to deal with is the next steps in the surgery process.  This whole move was an answer to prayer for three parties; the Williams, Jill, and me. 

The funniest part to me was after Jill and I had made the decision about my move, she turned to her husband and introduced me and informed him that I would be moving in that afternoon.  There was no discussion.  It made me smile.  I'm still overwhelmed by the amazingness of the whole situation.  I never could have imagined anything this awesome.  God's timing was perfect and His plan was unique and filled His children with awe!  Who could ask for anything better?  I serve a great God who always provides for the needs of ALL of His children!! He has proven His power and love once again in an inspiring and bewildering way!! I love Him!! :D

The Sunset this evening at my new house! :)

Saturday, October 23, 2010

More Impatience?...Unfortunately, Yes!

I have just finished my first full week of work at a bank.  I have been overwhelmed with information and the training process will continue throughout the next three weeks.  I am learning so much and excited about my job as a teller.  Things are going well.  The only unfortunate thing about all of this, is that I'm only working part time.  In order to get my own place to live, I will need to get another part time job after I go through training.  Regardless, I still consider myself to be very blessed.  I have quite an interesting team to work with and I know that they will always keep me on my toes. 

In other news, I have been struggling with some more impatience.  It's funny how things work out sometimes.  I wrote about my impatience with finding a job and immediately saw relief from that seconds after posting.  This time, it's a little more valid and indefinite.  My impatience is in wanting a place of my own.  I want to come home to MY groceries, MY small space, MY unfurnished apartment.  I just want my complete independence...BUT the real question is, what does GOD want for me?  I can't afford my own place for quite a while and I really just need to know what lesson God is teaching me (so I can learn it and move on).  Anyway, I guess I need to be content with where I am right now, praise God for His blessings, and continue to grow and learn until I feel led to move on. 

I was able to pay off 1/4 of my student loans today!! It's always nice to be one step closer to zero debt! I am very ready to be done with loans. 

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Funny How Things Work!!

So I find it completely interesting that as soon as I posted about being impatient with searching for a job, I received a job offer! My day instantly went from emotional and unmotivated to AMAZING!! I am so blessed and all the praise goes right on back to God!! AWESOME!! :D


First of all, I would like to apologize for taking so long to write again.  Life has not been very crazy, but I have been a little...ok maybe a lot...lazy the past couple of weeks.  My birthday was an awesome experience with friends!  I am very blessed to have their experience, wisdom, and generosity in my life.  I could not have asked for more. 

The job situation is interesting.  I am still unemployed, but I have had two interviews and I have one scheduled for next week.  Hopefully one of these three works out for me.  As the title of today's blog states, I am getting a little impatient.  I have been in Austin for three weeks now and I am more than ready to have a job.  I cannot sit around doing nothing like this for too much longer.  I did borrow some books to fill my time and that has been a huge blessing, but books keep me from socializing and I'm feeling more lazy by the minute.  I get so sucked in that I forget about everything else important until the book is finished.  Then I can move on with my life.  I just need something else to keep me busy.

I also experienced a little heartbreak this week as well.  In the past when I have moved, I never really tried to hang onto friends.  Well this time, I wanted it to be different so I have been attempting to keep in touch with as many people as I can.  Unfortunately, that is way more difficult than I ever expected.  Everyone is in a different stage of life...mostly college...than me and they keep busy schedules.  I, on the other hand, spend much of my time waiting for responses to texts and messages, feeling quite lonely at times.  Making new friends is also presenting itself as a big challenge for me.  I need to figure out some new strategies for that as well as sucking up my initial shyness and branching out into unfamiliar territory.  I've done it once, I can surely do it again! 

My focus the past week has not been where it needed to be.  I am working on that.  Every day is a struggle for me to surrender my plans and hopes to God and allow Him to take control.  I know that if I do surrender each thing to His control, the outcome will be beyond what I could have ever imagined for myself and much more satisfactory than what I could do on my own.  So why does it continue to be such a struggle?  Because of my human nature...I like to be in control and do my own thing and it is very hard to trust that someone else can do better than me! I am not God and I'm so thankful for that!  He has blessed me so much more and taken me where I never would have dreamed.  I don't deserve what I have, but nevertheless, I have been given it and I need to continue to seek His will for me as I search for a job and friendships...patiently!  Without Him, I have nothing!

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Week One

I have officially been in Austin, Texas for a week.  In some ways I feel like I have been here for months and in other ways, I feel like I just got here.  I feel like I have known the Williams family for years.  They were so accepting of me right away.  On Saturday, they took me to my first ever college football game.  It was definitely an experience I'm glad to have had.  We had front row seats on the sideline and it was amazing! I even got to see the locker room...without the players in it of course! The whole thing was fun!

Sunday afternoon, they took me to their lake house.  That also was a fun experience! We went out on the boat and Alan made me drive for a little bit.  I was nervous but it wasn't too bad.  We are all still alive and the boat is in one piece.  Driving around the lake definitely got my mind thinking about some things.  First of all, the cost of living in Austin is higher than Indiana.  Plus there are just a lot of people out here that seem to have a large amount of money.  Everything is high tech and fancy.  Some of the lake houses we saw were outrageous and I may have gone into a slight culture shock.  Having so little for so long makes it hard for me to justify fancy things.  So much of it is unnecessary.  There is so much money and yet so much need!  It's definitely an adjustment for me. 

Anyway, I am still looking for a job and an apartment.  Tomorrow I'm planning on hitting the streets full force with my resume.  Also, I am excited for tomorrow because it's Wednesday which means high school meets at the church.  I will be working with junior girls and I'm super excited to jump in and get to know them! I could use some prayers for that!

In other news, the weather has cooled down for a little bit and we are getting a slight taste of fall.  Apparently, it doesn't usually happen like this so I'm thankful for the nice breeze.  It is by no means hoodie weather, but it's cool for Austin this time of year! I'm very blessed and looking forward to what my future may hold for me!

Friday, September 24, 2010

Hello Austin!

The Drive...

Day one of driving went fantastic!  I jumped in little Spunkly (my car) around 6:30 am and was on my way, feeling pretty good.  I managed to handle minimal traffic well.  It was a beautiful day and I made great time.  I listened to all of my favorite music and had moments of reflection.  All together it was a great day!  I stayed the night at Sky Ranch Cave Springs and got to catch up with some friends from the summer. 

Day two on the other hand, was quite the opposite.  I woke up with a sinus headache and some allergy issues.  I shrugged them off and figured that once I got going, I would be fine.  So 9:00 am, I was off in the direction of Texas.  It was a boring drive and I didn't get to listen to much music because my head was hurting so bad.  I got to talk to some family and friends on the phone, which was nice and helped me keep awake.  After a while though, my stomach started churning and I knew that there was only one way it could end...vomit!  I talked myself through hours of driving but it kept getting harder and harder.  At one point in time I had no where to pull off and I frantically searched the front seat for anything to upchuck in...and I found a small ziploc bag of popcorn my mom had packed for me.  I drove the next five minutes with that bag next to my mouth...just in case, but praying that this would not be how my story would go.  Thankfully, the feeling past and a couple hours later I was able to pull off at a gas station and lose my guts in the parking lot.  Random fact:  barfing on concrete is not the most fun splashes! Gross!!  Despite all of the setbacks, I finally made it into Austin around 7 and met Alan and Inda!  They are my Austin family and my temporary home. 

The Family...

Alan and Inda have been wonderful to me so far and I'm very blessed by their generosity and kindness!  I would never have been able to pick out a better family on my own.  I absolutely love it here.  The view is amazing!  The first thing I saw when I got to their house was a double rainbow...I may have started crying a little bit! It was wonderful!

My favorite thing so far...I got to clean and organize Inda's pantry today! Yes...I am a complete dork, but regardless, I love to organize! We left the door open just so we could admire it as we walk through the kitchen.  Each time we do, we giggle and say how excited we are that it's organized and clean!  We threw two and a half garbage bags of expired and gross food away and it felt so good! It has been a great day!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Almost There

Tomorrow is my official last day to live in Indiana.  My official last day to be dependent on my mother.  My official last day to be a kid.  I had a little bit of a breakdown today when all of that registered in my brain.  I am now fully responsible for myself.  I depend on myself and God.  It's quite an adjustment to make. 

Mom and I went over finances today and I'm slightly overwhelmed.  She has a way with making things seem horrific and impossible.  I'm quite nervous about finding a job that will pay the rent.  Each day I have to continue to remind myself that God will provide and take care of me.  Each day it gets more difficult too.  My brain keeps kicking in and pointing out all of the difficulties and the fears and whatever all else that discourages me.  I must find a way to turn it off.  This is the point when I am most afraid and nervous.  I need to lean on my faith more than ever right now! 

Encouraging news though...a family from the church in Austin has offered their home to me for temporary living.  I'm so excited to meet them!  I'm sure they have much wisdom and kindness to share with me.  Other than that...I still have no idea what life in Austin will be for me.  God has chosen not to reveal any more info to me at this time and I must be able to accept that. 

Thursday, September 16, 2010

One Week Visit for Answers...HA!

I wrote this yesterday.  I hope that you find it encouraging and relevent.

It is Wednesday, September 15th and I just got back to Indiana from a week's visit in Austin, Texas.  This past week was a search for answers and a trial period for moving.  It's funny though how God works in these situations.  I waltzed into this week with plans and a large goal.  I believed that all my questions would be answered and that's not a huge request when I serve such a BIG God...right?  Ha Ha! So here's the breakdown...

MY PLAN - meet some cool people, job search, apartment search, figure out what my future in Austin will look like
GOD'S PLAN - meet some cool people, relax, trust, sit around, eat

At least we had one thing in common! :) Basically what I'm trying to say is...I still have no idea what life in Austin is going to look like for me.  All I know is that I'm moving.  The rest is waiting to be discovered when the time is right for me to know.  Waiting and trusting are so difficult for many...myself included.  I fear the unknown and this move is right down that alley.  There are so many new experiences and unknowns around every corner for me.  I am out of my comfort zone for sure.  The decisions and responsibilities are very overwhelming at times.  I have to constantly remind myself to just focus on one step at a time.  If I look too far forward, I may freak out a little.  What a challenge that is for me.

Overall, my week was good! In terms of what I had planned...a complete fail of a week.  BUT in terms of what God had planned...just what I needed...just enough information to get me to my next step.   I guess that's all I can ask for right now! I don't have a job, I don't have a place to live, and I will hopefully be able to stay with a family from the church temporarily until I find both of those.  I can be satisfied with that knowledge...can you?

Through this whole experience, I also know that many of you are praying for me and following my adventure.  In my mind, I'm just doing an ordinary thing.  I'm moving to a new place to start a normal life...but it's really not normal.  A wise friend pointed out that even though it seems normal to me, it is inspiring to others.  I hope that by documenting my adventure with God, you will find encouragement and inspiration.  Maybe God will use my story to open your eyes to the box of comfort you live in and challenge you to move beyond that.  God may not be asking you to move half way across the country away from everyone you know, but He may be calling you to do something locally that you normally wouldn't choose.  I don't know how this affects you, but I hope it is more than just a story.  I pray that my struggles and experiences may help others to grow and be stretched and see God in a way they never knew before.

Everything I do is NOT for MY glory or fame, but for the glory of my God!!  Praise HIM for what He has done and is doing!!

How Did My Journey Begin?...I'm Glad You Asked!

I don't even know where to begin in explaining where I've been to where I'm going.  I guess I'll start by saying that I am a nomad.  From the day I was able to leave home for college to today, I have been anywhere but home.  I went to Johnson Bible College in the fall of 2008 and loved it.  That summer, I got a job at Sky Ranch Cave Springs and loved the camp scene there as well.  I returned to JBC the next fall and then back to Sky for another summer...this past summer.  So here you are...decently caught up.  Let's see if I can explain the rest.

During the summer, while making preparations to return to school in the fall, I realized that I did not have the money that I needed to make it work.  I wasn't worried though because I knew that God would provide for me and make it all work out.  I was supposed to go to school, I was sure of it.  I mean, why would God take you to college and not allow you to finish right?  Well, I returned home August 16th and could not sleep.  All of the financial stress smacked me in the face and I took some time to tell God all about it.  I then began asking Him some questions that I just needed answered...

"How are you going to provide for me?  Where is the money going to come from?  Do I need more loans?"...etc.

Suddenly, I realized that maybe I was asking the wrong questions.

"Ok, now what?  What do I ask instead God?"  (long pause and a big gulp)..."am I supposed to go back to school?"

My stomach felt like it had dropped 100 feet and done somersaults all the way down.  I knew instantly the answer to that question was no...and my first reaction was panic.

"Ok, God! Real funny! So if I don't go back to school, then what?"

I then began making a mental list of all the places where I knew people that would be willing to help me get my feet on the ground and start for real life on my own.  As I went through each city and name, I felt a solid NO for each of them.

"God, I don't understand...where do you want me to go?  I just can't think of anywhere else to go!"

I was then reminded of a church in Austin, Texas that I had made connections with at camp this summer.  They were such wonderful people and I was sure that I would take my internship for school there.  As soon as the thought popped into my mind, my stomach turned again and I knew that God had just set me up for an adventure that I never would have imagined for myself.  I charged into my mother's bedroom slightly crying...

"Mom, are you awake? I have something I need you to be praying about! I realize that I am supposed to go back to school this weekend but I don't think God wants me to go back.  I think I'm moving to Austin, Texas.  Got it?  Ok, good night!"

And I darted back to my room and went to bed! The rest of that week, things began falling into place and our prayers seemed to be answered that Texas was the place for me.

I made the decision the night before I was supposed to leave to move back into the dorm at school.  I still went to Knoxville to withdraw, grab some things from storage, and say hi and good bye to all of my wonderful friends who had encouraged me through so much.  Of course not everyone was on board, and a couple of people questioned that I was doing the right thing.  Although it may have hurt a little, I expected resistance...I mean, if this is really God's plan then the devil doesn't want it to work out and he will do what he can to discourage.

the water before hurricane Rita

So that leads me to today...the now...the calm before the storm!  I have been quite discouraged and lonely thinking about all of my friends back at school with the new semester and great plans ahead of them.  On top of that, I don't seem to receive as many texts and messages as before when everyone was bored in the summer and had nothing better to do than write ridicoulous things on each other's walls! :)  Anyway, the point is that I have been feeling neglected and forgotten...but I realized that it's just the enemy trying to get me down.

God showed me today that being in Indiana for two weeks doesn't have to be a bummer and annoying.  God can use this time to replenish my heart and spirit and prepare me even better for the roller coaster adventure that lies ahead of me.  It isn't going to be easy and I need to just enjoy the time I have in quiet and adoration of my God.  Sometimes it is so hard for me to sit still, especially when I know that something big is coming up...but I need the stillness to prepare myself for that big leap sometimes! God is so good!

So that's where I am...enjoying the quiet and pressing in closer to my Daddy knowing that He will take care of the rest! It is a wonderful feeling of peace to just trust in His plan and know that He is preparing things in advance for me...all I have to do is go when the time is right!  What a GREAT and AWESOME God we serve!! :)

The Beginning of an Adventure

My goal in starting a blog is to provide a way for friends and even strangers to follow my journey into life.  I will have to take some time to rewind a few weeks so that everything may be clear and that nothing gets left out of the picture.  In all honesty, this is a very intimidating thing for me to do.  I'm not quite sure how I will like it, although at this point in time it is no longer about just me.  This experience is about God and what He is doing in and through me.  It doesn't just affect myself anymore, but everyone who reads my writings and knows who I am.  It is a testimony of faith and God's provision.  It is a story of difficulty and victory. 

I don't claim to be an elaborate writer.  In fact, I'm not too great with words most of the time.  I don't promise to make sense all the time, but I will attempt to communicate to the best of my ability.  I hope and pray that my story will inspire and encourage you, and that it relates to you in some way.  So this is my official "Hello!"  It is great to be on this journey with you!  Let us grow and learn together and hopefully share a few laughs along the way!  WELCOME TO THE ADVENTURE OF LIFE!! :)